The following are all professionals who have been used by members of Authors Electric when preparing their books for e-publication. They are independent practitioners, however, and we cannot be held responsible for their work.
General editing, copy editing
Formerly publishing director, OUP educational books.
Illustrators and cover artists…_________________________
Miss Mae (US based) – she is a writer herself, and designs her own covers as well as a limited amount of commissions for others. She will also help with formatting for Smashwords and Createspace if required. Her charges are very reasonable and she is friendly and easy to talk to.
Amanda Lillywhite
London-based. Cover design, illustration, website design.
Contact: www.crazypanda.com
The following are all professionals who have been used by members of Authors Electric when preparing their books for e-publication. They are independent practitioners, however, and we cannot be held responsible for their work.
Kristina Blagejovitch
London-based. General editing, copy-editing, proof-reading.
Contact: kristina@wyndcliff.demon.co.uk
London-based. General editing, copy-editing, proof-reading.
Contact: kristina@wyndcliff.demon.co.uk
Kate Fox
General editing, copy-editing, proof-reading.
Contact: www.katefoxeditorial.com
General editing, copy-editing, proof-reading.
Contact: www.katefoxeditorial.com
Dr Sheila Glasbey
General editing, copy-editing and proof-reading.
Contact: http://sheilaglasbeybookediting.weebly.com
General editing, copy-editing and proof-reading.
Contact: http://sheilaglasbeybookediting.weebly.com
Roz Morris
Developmental editing reports, copy-editing and proof-reading.
Contact: rozmorriswriter@gmail.com
Consultancy page: http://nailyournovel.wordpress.com/i-can-help-you-with-your-book
Brenda Stones
Developmental editing reports, copy-editing and proof-reading.
Contact: rozmorriswriter@gmail.com
Consultancy page: http://nailyournovel.wordpress.com/i-can-help-you-with-your-book
General editing, copy editing
Formerly publishing director, OUP educational books.
Illustrators and cover artists…_________________________
Canva - easily create beautiful designs + documents
Use Canva's drag-and-drop feature and professional layouts to design consistently stunning graphics.https://about.canva.com/
Miss Mae (US based) – she is a writer herself, and designs her own covers as well as a limited amount of commissions for others. She will also help with formatting for Smashwords and Createspace if required. Her charges are very reasonable and she is friendly and easy to talk to.
Jane Dixon-Smith
Graphic designer
Contact: www.jdsmith-design.com
Graphic designer
Contact: www.jdsmith-design.com
Amanda Lillywhite
London-based. Cover design, illustration, website design.
Contact: www.crazypanda.com
Rob Tysall:
Based in Warwickshire. Covers and publicity photos.
Contact: www.tysallsphotography.org.uk
Matt Zanetti
Digital artist (specialising in 3D art)
Contact: http://guerillatea.com
Claire MacLean
2D Digital Artist
Young Dundee based artist with a real flair for cover design –
likes to work closely with writer.
Alison Bell
Experienced (and distinguished) Scottish textile and
digital artist
and designer
Interested in doing occasional covers – but only if
she has read the
book first – her work is a personal response to the
book. One for
writers who enjoy this kind of collaboration.
Matti Gardner:
Techi wizard with a Masters’ degree, son of author Jan Needle so
used to writers and their ways! Patient, kind, inexpensive – well-versed
in Kindle, Smashwords, etc. London-based.
Contact: matti@gramatticus.com
Authorization! is a publishing services company working for
independent publishers and authors set up by Martin West.
For more information, click here.
For more information, click here.